Every year people ask what is the best place to send their contributions that they made to their “money box” of Septuagesima70.
This year I would like to propose three alternatives for you:
First of all, Iria Foundation is certainly worthy of your support. Established by a group of us this foundation is a way to help priests and families who are trying to maintain tradition. It is a very simple, although effective tool, to ensure that funds get to go where they are most needed, without, currently, a great deal of overheads. The hosting of Septuagesima70/Adventus30 is all made possible through Iria who pays for the web hosting and the zoom hostings for the Colloquys and assists with my own expenses in travelling to families and leading traditional pilgrimages, like the Chartres Pilgrimage. Moreover they keep a plane running and this has helped some remote families who never have the traditional Mass see it again on a more regular basis. There are big plans for Iria to do more (particularly by way of formation and education) in view of what is coming in Church and State, but all these things cost money. Any contribution gratefully received: https://www.iriafoundation.org.au/donate There are options including contributing through the website, or via bank transfer.

Secondly the Benedictines of Norcia are an excellent monastery that deserve our support. You can read all about them on their website here: https://en.nursia.org/Celebrating this year their 25th year these Benedictines are quietly preparing, most importantly spiritually, for the coming times, in the best and most Catholic manner: by restoration of our Catholic tradition. If you would like to support them please do so here: https://en.nursia.org/donations.html

Finally Australia’s own traditional Carmelite Monastery is located “in the bush” at Mathoura NSW. You can read all about them here: https://carmeljmj.org.au/ They live a contemplative life of sacrifice for souls in the Carmelite tradition, and are also worthy of your support: https://carmeljmj.org.au/donate

It is worth at this point giving thanks to the many people who quietly support the work of Iria. Recently a “Brother Francis” gave a significant donation to the Foundation and to its chaplain. This keeps ‘the wolves from the door’ and allows so much good work to be done behind the scenes. Let us remember always to pray for our benefactors…
℣. Oremus pro benefactoribus nostris. ℟. Retribuere dignare, Domine, omnibus nobis bona facientibus propter nomen tuum, vitam aeternam. Amen. |
℣. Let us pray for our benefactors. ℟. Deign to grant, O Lord, for the sake of Thy Name, eternal life to all those who do good to us. |
Fr. Withoos