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Recording - Exhortation Week 4 - An admonition to observe a good Lent

John Bede Polding, Archbishop, Lenten Pastoral of 1837, in Eye of Faith, 53.

“How many were thus advised last Lent who are now gone from amongst us, their tents have been struck on a sudden; they have gone into the house of their eternity; they are lamenting with unavailing tears that they heeded not the voice of their Pastor….Dearly Beloved in Jesus Christ, to many amongst you this will be the last solemn warning to repentance; the last Lent you will pass on earth; the last invitation you will receive to join your Christian Brethren thought out the world in supplication for mercy; the last opportunity you will have of receiving benefit by a communion with them in prayers and in penitential exercises. Oh let not this our admonition be in vain.”

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