Rejoice O Jerusalem!
On this Sunday Holy Mother Church recognises that we are past the mid-point of our liturgical season of Lent. She presents this to us liturgically also in the rose vestments of the Liturgy, the presence of (some) flowers on the altar, the use of organ accompaniment to remind us of the Easter joy which stands at the door, on the other side of Passiontide.
As for the Christian life, however, our joy is tinged also with sorrow, for soon Our Blessed Lord will (liturgically) be sacrificed again for us as we live through the memory, and sacrament (in the large sense of the word), of his being sacrificed for us again in Passiontide. Our liturgy, our liturgical season, our practices too, will reflect in the coming weeks these terrifying events in the life of the Lord.
With all of this in mind then we offer to you the chance of lightening some of your penance practices this Laetare Sunday. You may [optional since none of the practices we engage in is under the pain of mortal sin] select up to three (3) practices that you may jettison on this day.
Today also begins our Novena to St. Joseph. Please join with us in the Novena which is posted daily in the blog section of the Septuagesima page. We have many things to ask of the Patron of the Universal Church, not least of which is for the sanctification of the Holy Father, Pope Francis, but also for all the “cancelled” clergy, priests and Bishops, for their spiritual and physical sustenance in bearing this particular cross. St. Joseph pray for us, pray for them!
A blessed Laetare Sunday to all!