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Final Exhortation of Adventus30 2023

Dear fellow pilgrims of Adventus30!

Hodie scietis….Today you will know! These are the first two words of the beautiful Introit of the Vigil of Christmas. Today we will know WHO has saved us, and from WHAT he has saved us for God, Emmanuel, is born for us, is truly with us, and never leaves us.

For nearly a month we have been preparing for this wonderful night of Christmas with our meditations and all of our prayers and practices of Adventus30. How often, when we come to the end of our programmes we say to ourselves “yes, it was so worth it”!

It is an honour for all of us to be in some way associated with this wonderful little programme that has helped so many to live more authentically the Church’s liturgical season. There is a lot, a lot, as you might well imagine (!), that goes on behind the scenes to make this all happen. Indeed with an early Easter this year, Septuagesima70 is less than a month away. That said, so many, so many, tell me how much this Advent has meant for them because of Adventus30. Deo Gratias, Semper Deo Gratias et Mariae!

Thankyous go also to Dylan Shogren who tirelessly prepares the posts on our website, to Marisa who has sorted out the Iria Foundation website hosting and all the various links, and to those who contribute financially (many anonymously) to make this all happen ( Retribuere Domine! May the Lord bless and reward you for all your efforts.

As the world turns, and the turmoils within the Church mount, please continue to pray for your clergy and Bishops–and say a little prayer too for this particular priest–in your Christmas Masses and daily prayers.

With every best wish for Christmas to you and all your loved ones, and with a fond remembrance for you all in the Masses of Christmas, whilst giving you my blessing, I remain yours faithfully

Semper in Domino et Domina,

Fr. Withoos

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