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A Gift in memory of Cardinal Pell

The Iria Foundation gladly supports the gofundme campaign to assist the new Abbot of the Abbey of San Benedetto in Monte. The Abbot was consecrated on the feast of St. Peter and Paul, and for the occasion received a beautiful antique Pectoral Cross which will be funded by the Australian friends of Cardinal Pell in his memory.

Iria is glad to support this wonderful effort in honour of our late great Cardinal RIP. Father Abbot was very touched to know that this Pectoral Cross would be forever worn by him in the memory of his good friend, and friend of the Monastery, and frequent visitor, George Cardinal Pell. Requiescat in Pace!

The details of the fundraising campaign can be found here:

A blessed feast of the Visitation to all!

Semper in Domino et Domina,

Fr. Withoos

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