11th December - The Third Sunday of Advent.
Second Week of Advent - Exhortation
10th December - Saturday in the Second Week of Advent
9th December - (Additional meditation on the Immaculate Conception) The Treasure of the Christian
9th December - Friday in the Second Week of Advent.
8th December - The Immaculate Conception the Glory of Mary
8th December - Thursday in the Second Week of Advent.
7th December - Wednesday in the Second Week of Advent
6th December - Tuesday in the Second Week of Advent
5th December - Monday in the Second Week of Advent
4th December - The Second Sunday of Advent
December 3rd- St. Francis Xavier.
3rd December - Saturday in the first Week of Advent
December 2nd - Friday in the first Week of Advent
December 1st - Thursday in the first Week of Advent.
November 30th - St. Andrew the Apostle.
30th November - Wednesday in the the first Week of Advent.
29th November - Tuesday in the first Week of Advent
28th November 2022 - Monday in the first Week of Advent.
27th November 2022 - The First Sunday of Advent