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Rosary in Sunset


Starts Sunday

28 January 2024

For all daily prayers, martyrologies, and collocuays, please check the program calendar 

The Third Period:  Passion Sunday until Easter Vigil including Holy Week

Total abstinence from meat, fish, dairy (incl. eggs) and oil

Leaving behind for Lent:

- All juices and sweet drinks

- All desserts

- Non sacred music

- Movies

- Social Media

- Watching Sport

- Screen time

- Eating between meals

- Warm showers

- Milk and sugar in our coffee or tea

- Alcohol

 Take up the following:


- Some form of strenuous exercise for a few hours a week

- Aim for 7 hours sleep each night

- Fasting on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays

- Weekly Confession if possible

- A daily hour of Meditation and prayer 

- Morning and Evening Prayer 

- A daily examination of conscience before bed.

- A weekly colloquy (see calendar)

- A regular contribution to a “Septuagesima70” money box 

- Daily Mass if possible

- Weekly Stations of the Cross


Please explore our current programs for the liturgical year that are being followed around the world today including programs for the Christmas and Easter seasons.

Without your help, we could not continue this important spiritual work for our community, so please also consider making a donation to help fund future projects.

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